Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bricks from my latest wood firing.

Here they were before firing.

After firing.

Here are the results! 12 good light reds, 11 underfired soft salmons, 5 clinker ringers, 9 junk clinkers.

These were the best of the whole batch. They all had 'ring' to them when tapped. I still would like to see them fired a deeper red and a bit harder. But its hard to get it just right without going too far and making cracks in them.

Overfired 'clinkers. Taken from the back and the lower part of the kiln.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled upon your blog tonight and am really excited - I just started deepening my pond and the bottom is all clay! Perfect for making my own bricks for a patio + woodfired oven, I think. Can you point me to some plans for putting together a brick clamp like this one? I don't understand how to get the fire underneath all the bricks! Email me at diana dot guillermo at gmail dot com. Thanks!


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