Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fire and snow.

Heavy snowfall tuesday. Spent the day on another 6.5 hour quickfire of the kiln. Salt glazed the last hour and half. Very good day watching the snow fall while gathering firewood and stoking the kiln.

I am very excited about the heat this firebox can generate in the small chamber.
I actually have to hold back on stoking speed sometimes. Thats still a new one for me.

And it can make alot of really black smoke if I put to much in to fast.

When I start in the morning, I use a kerosene heater in the barn for warmth. But after about an hour, the heat off the kiln becomes plenty in itself. So I turn off the heater for the rest of the day.

There were two pots on the left from the last firing that I refired to get a better glaze effect. I put in a few tiles too. They came out nice.

I liked this pot and plate.

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